Based on ProFootballDB’s statistics database, here is a list of the top 20 most valuable players in the world at the moment. Multiple factors help generate this ranking, which will explain why Lionel Messi and Cristiano Ronaldo aren’t at the top of the list – in fact, the Portuguese forward doesn’t even feature.
It would be nigh-on impossible to compile a list of the 20 best footballers in the world that would please all football fans. So, instead, we have put together a list of the top 20 most valuable players in the world at the moment.
Kylian Mbappé, according to data from ProFootballDB on 10th June 2019, tops the list with a market value of a whopping 193.9 million euros. And, looking at the rest of the list, it may be the only real match in terms of his value and his performances.
In fact, whilst Cristiano Ronaldo doesn’t even feature in the top 20, you have to drop down to the sixth position to find Lionel Messi. In the case of the Argentinian, the 11 year age difference between him and the young Frenchman certainly plays a part, with the Argentinian worth 140.2 million euros.
The ranking takes into account more of the financial part of the game than on-pitch performances. It considers age, potential, offers received for the players, transfer rumors, duration of contract remaining, the potential of their team, the success of their club…and joins all this up with other classic statistics such as goals and assists to produce a total value figure.
According to this algorithm, two English footballers round out the podium in Harry Kane (169.9M) and Raheem Sterling (162.7M).
Both Neymar (160.5M, 4th) and Antoine Griezmann (156.8M, 5th) are ahead of Messi, whilst European champions Liverpool are well represented with Salah (139,6M, 7th), Mané (115.2M, 9th) and van Dijk (93.5M, 17th) all on the list.
It is somewhat surprising to see the names of Romelu Lukaku (117,9M, 8th) and Dele Alli (114.9M, 10th) in the top 10, given their below-par performances this season.
Three names who keep cropping up this transfer window also make the top 20 in Philippe Coutinho (113.7M, 11th), Paul Pogba (111.2M, 12th) and Matthijs de Ligt (105.7M, 15th).
Only one Spaniard is on the list in Saúl, who comes in at 20th with a value at 91.2M, whilst Real Madrid are surprisingly unrepresented in the rankings.